Sunday, March 16, 2008

I Am a Lowsy Scrapbooker

I gave up scrapbooking a while ago, deciding it was one of those things that just creates stress for me. It was something I always felt like I was just getting farther and farther behind on--overwhelming! So I gave it up and have been much happier ever since. My pictures go in the little plastic sleeves for my children's enjoyment, and that is that.

Then I discovered blogging, and I decided this could be a sort of scrapbook for me (better than nothing, right?!) I read this great idea on somebody's blog (I have to admit, I don't actually know this person--I know, scary huh!) Anyway, they said they had decided to take a picture every day, and make their blog a sort of scrapbook/journal/family history. So I think I will give it a go!

Every day may be a bit of a stretch, so maybe I will shoot for every other day...or maybe 3 times a week?! We'll see how it goes!

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