Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Word (and a few pictures...OK, more than a few) About Lacy

I have slowly but surely been trying to post about our fun spring break week. (You see, I took about a zillion pictures!) But things have been a little crazy, what with Jr. Miss and all. Sooo, spring break will have to wait for another day. Here's a few pics of all the Jr. Miss fun (oh, I mean Distinguished Young Woman fun). In case you're wondering, I was Lacy's hostess mom...the one who pretends to be her mom backstage because the real moms can't be back there. I know, frightening. I don't know how to do hair or makeup. But with the help of a hair expert (and my niece Jordyn who is also a hair expert), we survived! And, I actually learned how to put on makeup (eye shadow and the works!)

Dress Rehearsal Night:

Thank heavens for dress rehearsal night. I had to do a little experimenting on the makeup before I figured it out! Not enough bronzer, TOO much bronzer, you know.

The BIG Night:
(Actually, the 2nd big night!)
Lacy was chosen to be in the top 10, which was way exciting! She looked beautiful and did a fantastic job. She played her piano piece flawlessly! I was so happy for her I just about started bawling! (Perhaps a side effect of very little sleep) It was a great night!

Lacy won 2nd runner up, as well as 3 other awards. She did awesome! She won some serious moola. And on top of that she looked gorgeous!

Going over interview questions again and again! It was a little crazy. Jessie was doing her hair, Lana was putting her shoes on, Chelsie had the fan going on her, I was reading her questions, Jordyn was putting sparklies in her hair....Let's just say she had a huge fan club!

Me and my sis, Elise, who just so happened to be the head honcho of this big night! I wonder if she'll miss my millions of questions about what in the world I was supposed to be doing?!

Lacy and Megan are really good friends and they won 1st runner up and 2nd runner up. Way fun!

Way to go Lacy! I loved spending time with you!