Monday, July 13, 2009

The Fun Never Ends!

When summer began this year, I thought to myself, "This is going to be such a relaxing summer. We really don't have much planned. I hope we don't get bored!"


What was I thinking????

Apparently I wasn't thinking! I forgot that baseball is all consuming for a month or so. I forgot that I have two kids with birthdays in June, and a niece and nephew both getting baptized in July. I forgot that I had girls camp....oh, and I must have forgotten that they put me in charge of the food! I must have forgotten that I had a family reunion. And I must have forgotten that you actually have to train a little bit if you plan on doing a triathlon. (What's that all about?!) Oh, and of course I forgot about swimming lessons....and gymnastics camp....and weeds that never quit growing....and kids that NEVER quit making messes....and....and....and....

You get the picture.

But I'll tell you what I didn't forget. My brother is coming home from his mission on July 22nd!! Yeah! We are so excited! Being the baby brother in a home full of girls, he is the first to serve a mission. We are SO proud of him!

I have taken a million pictures this summer which I would love to post, but where's the time?! (Did I mention Brek gave me a new camera for my birthday?! And did I further mention that I L-O-V-E it!)

Anywho, the pictures will continue to sit on my laptop, flashing across the screen every now and then....that is when we leave my laptop open. You see, we try to avoid that ever since Ben destroyed my keyboard by popping all the keys off! (Did I mention Ben is a monster? A very cute monster mind you, but a monster, nonetheless. He is one strong-willed, fiesty, little dude!)

And his brothers are teaching him all sorts of tricks. Yikes!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

And So It Ends

On Friday night, we made our last trek to the baseball field for the year 2009. Goodbye Fun Dips....Luke will miss you. Goodbye popcorn....Ben will miss you. Goodbye snow will be missed by all.

No more kids begging me for money. No more wind storms blowing dust in our face.

But, on the other hand, no more excitement as the kids run across home plate. No more cheering when Maddy hits the ball! No more cheering when Syd gets a double play. No more cheering when Josh pitches three strike-outs.

Goodbye baseball. We will miss you...the good, the bad, and the ugly.

(Oh, and just for the record, Maddy turned into quite the little ball player. Who would have thought?!)

One thing I love about Maddy....she always has a smile on her face!

Josh goes for the steal....sliding into home....

and he's OUT! (By the way, when Josh looked at all the pictures I took, this was his favorite one, even though you can't tell he's in it!)