When Ben snuggles up to me, then starts patting my back. It is the sweetest thing!
You know what else I love? When I make a smoothie and Ben runs to the drawer full of cups, and pulls out one of his very own sippy cups. He then stands at my feet, cup in the air, waiting for his cup to be filled.
I love it when I come walking into the house and Ben comes running as soon as he hears my voice, huge grin on his face, reaching his hands up towards me!
Or when he walks up to me, smacks my leg, squawks at me, then emphatically raises his hands up high as if to say, "I want you to pick me up....right NOW!"
I love the way Ben laughs. I love to see his funny little sense of humor. I love the way he tries to tackle me and smother me with kisses when I am sitting on the ground....even if I am trying to read scriptures to the other kids.
Then there's bedtime.
Usually Ben goes in the crib and then I tuck Luke. Ben watches as I give Luke hugs and kisses, then stands up and starts making popping sounds with his lips....his way of asking for goodnight kisses. I kiss him goodnight and he squeals and laughs. I love it!
But you know what I love most of all???
None other than the little guy himself.
Hey Emily,
It was me that commented about getting your blog printed. I was wondering who you had do that? My e-mail is momfloyd4@gmail.com
Thanks a bunch.
I saw Emily's blog in book form and it is gorgeous.
Good Luck
hey em! i love this post...ben is darling and you always have a cute way of writing down the memories of your kids...thanks for sharing!
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