Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Little Miracles

I believe that in my day to day life, there are miracles that take place.

Nothing big or elaborate.

Just those little things that sometimes go unnoticed, or perhaps are written up as a lucky coincidence.

But to me they are little miracles....answers to my prayers.

Let me give you an example. For the past two weeks, we have been sick. You know the drill. It goes from one child to the next, often times hitting the parents as well. The only person who has remained completely unscathed is Madelyn. But everyone else has been sick, some more sick than others. So, again, let me say that for the past two weeks, every day has been filled with some sort of sickness....with the exception of two days.

Now I will jump to another part of the story. For the past two weeks, my friend Lana has been in Utah. A five day trip to Primary Chidren's has now turned into two and a half weeks and counting. We (her friends) have been trying to help with her kids. Everyone has been so great to pitch in and help. I wanted to help more than I could because of the sick kiddos, but someone else was always willing to pitch in and take over.

HOW-EV-ER, there were two specific days when I was needed to watch the kids. Everyone else had helped so much, some had to work....you know. I really wanted to help out, and what's more, they really needed my help. I prayed that my kids would not be sick so I could help, and guess what? For two random days throughout those two weeks....no sick kids.

A little miracle.

One of those days in particular was quite amazing to me. The day prior to watching Lana's kids, my two youngest both had fevers. The day I watched her kids, they were both fever-free, and seemed to be cured. The day after I watched her kids, they were both sick again....for two more days.

Lucky coincidence? I think not.

Miracle? I should think so!

How grateful I am for a loving Heavenly Father who hears and answers prayers.


Julie said...

I absolutely agree!~ I am so grateful for the small miracles that happen around us each day! I hope your friend Lana is doing ok! I know any trip to PMCC is not a fun one!

Extraordinary Housewife said...

I do believe in miracles and well.

Ps. The word verification is "jurnal" weird!