This was big birthday number 12 for Scott. No more primary (much to the relief of his primary leaders!) He is excited to be in Young Mens, and was very excited to receive the priesthood. Another special milestone in his life.
Here are a few things I love about Scott.
Scott always notices when I am feeling frustrated, worn out, overwhelmed, etc. He will jump up and try to help me out, asking what he can do. If that doesn't work, he comes up to me with a big grin and says, "I know what you need." Then he throws his arms around me, and gives me the hugest bear hug!
Scott can accomplish anything he sets his mind to. If I want something done well, I ask Scott. He can clean almost as good as me....but not quite.
He is one amazing piano player!
He is also one awesome basketball player! I love watching him play--in all sports, really. He is a little athlete. Anything he does, he gives it his all.
He has such a great smile and such a great laugh. He and his brother Josh have so much fun together. Josh loves to make Scott laugh. Josh is such a comedian, and Scott is his greatest audience!
Scott is so determined. Hmmm, sounds like someone else I know. Maybe his dad?! He doesn't procrastinate. If something needs to be done, he wants to do it and get it out of the way. Again, so much like his dad!
Scott tries hard to do what is right. He really tries to learn from his mistakes and work on becoming a better person. He is such an amazing kid!
We love you Scott!!
Wow!!! Has it really been 12 years! I still remember going to see him in the hospital!!! Happy Birthday Scott! We love you !!
I love Scottie! He is one to watch because I have no doubt he will do great things. Except he insists that he is taller than me?? Okay - but only by 6 inches!
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