Saturday, June 14, 2008

Welcome to the Fam

First, let me say, I do not like cats. So why then, you may ask, do we have TWO kittens??? I'll tell you why. It's because I'm a big, fat push-over.

Either that, or I have a hard time remembering that cute little kittens always grow up to be cats--yuck!

Did I mention we have TWO kittens? Perhaps my children thought the kittens would have a higher mortality rate if we started out with two. You see, kitties have a hard time surviving at the Pilling household. They either get hit by cars, or they turn into great big, mean tomcats and run away.

Every summer, Grandma and Grandpa Pilling show up with a kitten, and every more kitty. So this time my kids begged and pleaded....Please mom!! If we get two kittens, they won't be lonely. They will always have a friend to play with. Please, please, please mom!!!

And I caved. It is so unlike me to be a push-over. But yet, I caved.

So, the question is this....If I dislike cats so much, why agree to have one (or two)???

The answer is simple. I dislike cats, but I HATE mice!
(And, just between you and me, they are kind of cute....from a distance!)


steph said...

You caver! Why do I have to be the mean mom? We foster dogs and babysit kittens. That is as far as I go despite the tears from my kids.

Mommo said...

I must never, ever, let my kids see this post....I will never cave!! We have had a couple of goldfish. The longest one lasted 14 months. I liked him. We got three more fish and they died within the week. No more fish. I tell them to look at the bunnies and squirrels outside. They are our pets.

Laura Barrett said...

Hey Emily! Oh my this blog is funny...I know I have a hard time caving in as well, it's with dogs though! Tyler loves and I mean loves them to death. At least they are outdoor dogs, which makes the decision better for me! Good luck with them...who knows they may wander over this way:)trust me I'll give them back:)

Melanie said...

I've caved with both a cat and dog and I hate animals! You will especially love them when they shed in the spring :) Your kids look like they love the cute little kittens.

Emily said...

Just so you all know, the cats are NOT living in my house! In fact, I have informed my kids that if the kittens even set a "paw"in our house, I will drop kick them into the canal. And what are you talking about Steph? You are the pet bunny queen!! Ha-ha

Sarah Stokes said...

Oooh Emily, I think for your safety you need to "cave" once in a while, you are out numbered 5-1! You are so funny. I have 6 cats curently resided in my house and garage, and 2 huge, mean Toms that show up every so often to beat the crap out of mine. I don't much like the idea of them, but they really have grown on me - yours will too/

Marilyn said...

Okay, just don't move after you've made the decision to leave them outside. Ours were supposed to be outside cats but Kenzie was so worried they would get run over like Bodie we let them sleep inside, then when we moved and one ran away, we had them fixed right away and the vet said we had to keep them inside for 2 weeks. That did it, they've been inside ever since. And the shedding is driving me crazy!!!!!! Good luck with them, I agree they are cute...for now!