Thursday, September 11, 2008

Off She Goes

As I mentioned previously, I will be posting about blessings this week. However, those posts may be interspersed with some of the everyday happenings in the Pilling household.

Yesterday, Sydney left with her Grandpa Burtenshaw and Saydi for the much anticipated, yearly trip to San Diego. They were meeting Grandma Burtenshaw and Hallie there. Each year, Dad and Darla take the grandkids who have turned 8 throughout the year to San Diego for a few days. They go to Sea World, Lego Land, the beach, or sometimes the San Diego Zoo. The kids, of course, love it!

Syd was packed and ready to go when Grandpa arrived to pick her up. Out they went, followed by Luke. Luke was happy, smiling, laughing, taking pictures....

until he realized he was being left behind. He didn't think too highly of that!

Poor Luke. I told him he had to be bigger, to which he responded, "I am bigger!" I told him he had to be 8 years old, and he was only 3. A few minutes later he exclaimed, "I want to go on the trip. I am 8!" I corrected him, but he wouldn't budge.

So, it seemed there was nothing left for me to do but give him a bubble bath. Nothing like a great bubble bath to wash away your sorrows!

1 comment:

Trav and Elise said...

Oh Poor Lukey! I hate those moments when they just don't understand why they can't go too. I love this age. They are too cute!