Monday, April 14, 2008

Just a few questions that crossed my mind yesterday

Do you think Luke needs a haircut, or is this just a case of bedhead??? Digital cameras are great. Luke lets me take pictures galore of him, knowing that he can run over and see himself on the screen when we're done!

Why can't we have beautiful 75 degree weather every day??? You know, the kind of weather that just makes you want to do everything outside. It's way more fun to read books under the shade of the trampoline than it is to read them in the house!

What the .......??? Is that artwork on my deck??? This is a first, even for my children! Does anyone know if marker washes off of Trex? I'm not too hopeful!

Is the sun bothering your eyes Scott???
Like father, like son. Brek can't stand to go out in the sun without sunglasses, and no matter how hard Scott tried, he could not open his eyes. Maddy also has a hard time with the bright sun, and so chose to hide behind her hair. And where, might you ask is Ben? Sound asleep in bed.

Do you think my kids are excited for school to get out???
I found this taped to the side of my kitchen cabinets this morning. In case you can't read it, it says 'Days Left in School'. They are to cross off a number for every day they go to school with the handy dandy pen, which is so conveniently taped right next to the chart!

1 comment:

skidentist said...

Use Goo gone Emily. It gets everything off. Just put some on a rag and start scrubing