Saturday, October 3, 2009

All's Well That Ends Well

Soooo, tonight Brek asked Josh and I to put the tarp on the boat as he was running out the door to go to priesthood meeting. Brek, Scott, and Josh (sortof)....OK, mostly Brek and Scott spent the two hours in between morning and afternoon conference cleaning the boat. And I mean CLEANING! (If only they were that thorough in the house....ha-ha!)

Anyway, as they were leaving for priesthood session, they decided it just might rain while they were gone and wreck all their hard work! Brek attempted to back the boat into the garage, thinking that would be a quick fix. Only problemo with that plan is the fact that our garage is not tall enough for our boat.

So, with the boat half in the garage--half out, he runs into the house asking us to put the tarp on, then runs back out. And like the obedient people that we are, out we went to do as we were told. As we were pulling the tarp up, over, down, etc. the boat all of a sudden started moving. At first I thought I was maybe imagining things. But sure enough, the boat was rolling right down our driveway! I ran to the front of the boat, pushing with all my might to try and stop it. Meanwhile, I was screaming at Josh to help. Apparently, he was helping, trying to pull from behind. But I didn't know that and kept yelling for him to help! I'm sure we were quite a sight....big-belly pregnant mom yelling at her son, both frantically trying to stop a moving boat that a gazillion tons or something!

I was seriously paniced about the boat rolling right across the road, into my neighbor's yard, and heaven forbid, crashing into their house!! But luckily, as the boat rolled off our driveway and onto the road, it came to a stop. I would like to say it was because of our massive muscles, but alas, I must give credit to the leveling of the ground.

I would NEVER bother Brek when he is at something important like priesthood meeting....until today. There we sat with the boat right smack dab in the middle of the road, wondering what to do. Believe it or not, we actually attempted to PUSH the boat back up onto the driveway. Yeah...that went well! And with every other guy over the age of twelve being in the same meeting as Brek, we were sort of stuck! So a text was sent requesting immediate help and Brek came to the rescue.

Moral of the story: Don't EVER try to stop a moving boat...especially if it is moving downhill! And especially if you are pregnant! You might look like a serious idiot!


Kathy Habel said...

Too funny! Glad it all ended well.

Sarah Stokes said...

Ok picture lady, where is the picture of that!? Seriously made me laugh out loud reading and thinking of you in front of that boat :)

Julie said...

Dang! Where is the video camera when you need it! That is hilarious! I can totally picture it! So glad it came to a stop! And you be careful, little prego mama!

Heather said...

well I for sure wanted to comment about the boat incident but the only thoughts coming to my head are the fact that I didn't know you were pregnant! that is fantastic. Congratulations!!

The Favorite said...

Great moral! So sad about your boat- crazy.

Chelsie said...

I was laughing so hard that there were tears. I love it. I can totally see this whole playing out. What a hoot. I know that it doesn't seem funny when you are in it, but for all of us outsiders looking in that is such a great story. I am however glad that you are not hurt and little jr. is doing ok. I agree with your moral to the story. Never try to stop a moving boat, especially when you are prego. Love ya!

Steph said...

Yeah, why didn't you take a photo of that for rememberance? Too funny! I can just picture you out there trying to PUSH the huge boat back UP an incline! This is actually Marilyn