Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ultrasound Time!

So, it's official. This little babe growing in my tummy is a boy! ANOTHER boy! And I would have to say there is no doubt as to this baby's gender. Even I could tell it was a boy, and that's saying alot!

The girls were a little disappointed, but not really. It's hard to be disappointed when you know there's a new baby on the horizon! And when I told Syd the baby was due on March 6th (one day before her birthday), she jumped up and cheered. However, Syd and Maddy are seriously outnumbered now....5 boys to 2 girls.

Brek said we now have our own basketball team.

Natalie (a dear friend) said more great pianists and missionaries.

All of the above are true! I think it would be safe to say that I will be sitting through A LOT of sporting events in my life! And our home will be ringing with music for many more years to come. And, oh how I hope my boys will all serve missions! I LOVE my boys, and couldn't be more happy. Either way....how could you possibly go wrong??!! Another little spirit to bless our home. Another new little personality.

I can't wait to meet him!!


Marilyn said...

So excited for you Emily! He will be just as darling and fiesty as his other 4 brothers. What great footsteps he will have to follow also. As for the girls, more primping for them if they don't have to share a bathroom with anyone else!

Lauren said...

That really is so exciting! Congratulations! Any baby is lucky to come to your home truly. You and Brek are amazing parents, with some amazing kiddos!

Hewards said...

I LOVE BOYS!! Hurray, for you! And your belly is so cute I want to give you a hug.

Julie said...

Congrats! YAY! Another boy! You guys have the cutest boys...so why not add one more to the mix! Hope you are feeling well!

The Gracie Jones blog said...

Congrats! That's so exciting! I'm sure your boys are so excited for another little brother...hope you are feeling good!

The Favorite said...

Congrats on another BOY!!!
That's funny about all the things people said and it's going to be true about sitting through sports. Feel well!

Emily said...

ok, so i don't quote know how to take that comment, "even I can tell"...... referring to the gender. pretty sure I can't tell what anything is on those ultra sounds myself either. looks like something from a Sci-Fi movie. I'll take the radiologists word for it though. brek