Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Vacation Recap is officially crazy! I'm thinking it would be nice if the month of December had 6 weeks in it as opposed to the traditional 4. Anyway, here are a few pictures of our trip (which is pretty much old news by now.) Better late than never, right?!

Brek and I went to the island of St. Kitts. It was beautiful. It wasn't the hottest time of the year, but it was still warm. The wind was always blowing, but it was nothing like Idaho wind, or South Dakota wind! It was actually enjoyable....a warm ocean breeze.

We enjoyed snorkeling both on the island of St. Kitts and the island of Nevus. It wasn't the greatest snorkeling, due to ocean waves. The calmer the water, the clearer the view. But we still had fun exploring around. Brek and Brian were disappointed in their hopes of catching a large fish to cook over an open fire on the beach. They were armed with spear guns, and ready to go, but the large fish must have been in hiding. They must have caught wind that we were in town! They did, however, take the life of several smaller fish and some crabs.

This is a picture of the awesome car we drove around. And I do mean AWESOME! Check it out! You gotta love a miniature pink car. Driving around in this car was about the equivalent of driving around in a golf cart. We had some good laughs over our hot transportation! But I will say this got GREAT gas mileage!

The island of Nevus is a small island right by St. Kitts. We took a ferry to the island and spent a day there. It is basically a dormant volcano with houses built around it.

I had to snap a photo of Brian as he reminded me a bit of the Titanic.

Brek and I had such a great time together. It was so good to enjoy him with no distractions. No cell phones, no work, no responsibilities! It was great!


Chelsie said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! Your hair looks fabulous by the way. Whoever does it is fantastic! :) hehehe. Glad you got a vacation. You definitely deserve it! Love you!

Melanie said...

Oh, I'm so jealous! We would love to get away...hopefully, sometime after the new year. We keep going back and forth as to where we should go-any suggestions? glad you had a great time! Love ya, Melanie

Emily said...

So, I guess Brek has been "fixing" my post, because I had this great picture of him in all of his snorkel gear, which has mysteriously gone missing! You definitely should go somewhere Mel...especially with baby number 6 on the way!

Marilyn said...

Hey Em,
I didn't even know you were on vacay until after you came home! Looks like you had a great time though. Don't you just love the tiny cars in foreign countries? I am so surprised we fit 4 adults and all our luggage in our car in Portugal. No wonder we only took 1 suitcase and it was only a carryon! Your family is growing up so fast and so beautifully! Kaden sure misses Josh and I miss you all! Merry Christmas to you all!