Wednesday, November 26, 2008

No Place Like Home

I am HOME!! It is true what they say....There is no place like home. After spending a wonderful week in the sunny Caribbean, I am glad to be home.

Brek and I had a wonderful time relaxing and enjoying the WARMTH! We did some snorkeling, lots of reading, watched a few movies, and had a great experience attending church at a small branch on the island of St. Kitts. We also enjoyed exploring around Puerto Rico for a couple days as we passed through on our way to and from the island.

But we were both ready to come home. We missed our kids, we missed our home, and we were ready for real life again.

It was so fun to see the kids this morning. Ben wasn't quite sure what to think about me for a few moments, but it didn't take long for him to start planting kisses right on my lips! And from that moment on, he wanted to be my permanent attachment, screaming in protest whenever I put him down.

I had so much to do, but instead, I just held my baby boy. I turned on Christmas music, and danced around the kitchen with Luke and Ben. We teased and laughed and had fun together. It is GOOD to be home.

I was able to see Lana and Jeff last night and wished I could stay longer. I was also able to see little Emma briefly (she was sleeping). How are they doing? we walked down the hall towards them, Lana called out, "Welcome to Hell!"

Actually, they are doing as good as can be expected. Jeff and Lana are probably both exhausted as Emma requires much attention day and night, but it doesn't show. A side effect of being in survival mode. If all goes as planned, Emma and Lana will be coming home on Tuesday (Jeff rode home with us.) They will make the trek to Primary Children's Hospital once a week for chemo treatments.

If you want more info on Emma and how she is doing, go to the Extraordinary Housewives blog where Lana has been updating.

I will post pictures and tell more about our trip soon.

1 comment:

marianne said...

WHEW!! So glaad you made it! We are not "OK" with you gone all the time GEESH!!!!!! Just kidding . Seriously you were missed and we are so glad you are back! There's only one you!!
Love ya!
Mare M