Monday, November 24, 2008

My friend in need

My heart is breaking for my dear friend Lana who has just learned that her 8 year old daughter has leukemia. Emma is such an amazing girl. She loves life. She always has a huge smile and many stories to tell me. She is always writing or drawing something, and she always has some sort of little treasure or two or three with her. I love this little girl. I love her mama. I wish I could take the hurt away. I wish I could take the pain away. I can't stand to see these people who I love so very much suffer. If anyone out there is reading this, will you please include them in your prayers.

How grateful I am for a loving Heavenly Father who knows and loves us. He knows the Gibbons family and he will not leave them alone in this their hour of need.


marianne said...

Sheesh, you go on vacationa and the whole world falls apart! I share your concern and love for them and know you are and will be such a strength to Lana as you always are. We miss you and can't wait for you to come HOME!!
Mare M

Extraordinary Housewife said...

Thank you. I love you too and really can't do this without my friends.


Jill said...

Okay I am crying my eyes out reading this and the Extraordinary Housewives blog. I don't know Lana, but I know how hard that would be to face if one of my kids got sick like that. I will pray for Lana and her family. I hope it's all good news in the next coming months.

Natalie said...

Em, I am so terribly sorry! i have only met lana a few times...but i think she is such a neat girl. You two seem to have such a great friendship and you are such a great person that I know lana will be so happy to have you there by her side.
I will keep them in my prayers, my heart hurts for her!

Julie said...

That really is so so sad. One of my best friend about 5 years ago found out her 3 year old had Leukemia. I remember the sadness I felt and hurt for her. It was a long road to recovery but they did it and she has been in remission for 2 years and is doing AMAZING! Luckily, they had so much they can do! We will keep them in our prayers!

Chelsie said...


I am sorry to hear about Lana. It makes me so sad. She is such an amazing person and what a thing to have happen. If there is anything I can do, please let me know. I will definitely keep them in our prayers and thoughts. I love you! Glad you are home from your trip!