Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Christmas Fun

We took our kids to Utah to see the lights at Temple Square this year. These things always go a little bit different than you imagine them! I sortof envisioned a magical Christmasy night: walking in the crisp air, snow on the ground, kids loving the lights. But that wasn't exactly how it worked. Brek dropped us off close to Temple Square while he went to park at the hotel, and then join us. We figured it would be less distance for the kids to walk. However, not 60 seconds after he drove away, the troubles began. Luke refused to put on his hat and gloves, because apparently I had brought the wrong ones for him. Josh gave up helping him, deciding it would be more fun to throw snowballs, and Luke promptly fell down in the snow--still wearing no gloves! It was freezing outside, so this wasn't exactly the best way to begin! I went to help Luke, trying to keep Ben bundled in a blanket with one hand and put Luke's gloves on with the other hand. Luke was still crying and Ben wasn't too happy, either. At this point in time, Josh decided I would make a good target and I was hit in the side of the head with a snowball! Snow went down my neck and all over Ben. As you can imagine, this did not go over well with me. Finally everyone was outfitted and we headed for temple square. We made it maybe 20 steps when someone behind me asked me if I had dropped a glove. Sure enough, one of Ben's gloves had fallen off. It was not an easy task keeping Ben bundled while holding Luke's hand (without pulling the glove off) and keeping all the kids together so I wouldn't lose anyone. I was very outnumbered: 6 to 1 to be exact! We finally reached temple square and headed for the nearest visitors' center. We were already freezing and decided to wait for Brek inside! My sister Chelsie and her husband Eric also met us there. Things went much smoother after that. We didn't actually stroll through temple square gazing at the lights--it was more like speed walking (we were freezing!) But all in all it turned out to be a good night!

Scott had just broken his foot and was getting tired walking on his crutches for so long. So Brek piggy-backed him the last couple of blocks back to the hotel! Brek's always up for some sort of workout, whatever it may be!


Julie said...

Hi Emily, just wanted to say hi, We are at Marilyn's scrappin' and she showed me your cute blog! Your kids are adorable! Come visit!

Extraordinary Housewife said...

Why is it that I can relate to this story?