I have slowly but surely been trying to post about our fun spring break week. (You see, I took about a zillion pictures!) But things have been a little crazy, what with Jr. Miss and all. Sooo, spring break will have to wait for another day. Here's a few pics of all the Jr. Miss fun (oh, I mean Distinguished Young Woman fun). In case you're wondering, I was Lacy's hostess mom...the one who pretends to be her mom backstage because the real moms can't be back there. I know, frightening. I don't know how to do hair or makeup. But with the help of a hair expert (and my niece Jordyn who is also a hair expert), we survived! And, I actually learned how to put on makeup (eye shadow and the works!)
Dress Rehearsal Night:
Thank heavens for dress rehearsal night. I had to do a little experimenting on the makeup before I figured it out! Not enough bronzer, TOO much bronzer, you know.
Dress Rehearsal Night:
Thank heavens for dress rehearsal night. I had to do a little experimenting on the makeup before I figured it out! Not enough bronzer, TOO much bronzer, you know.
(Actually, the 2nd big night!)
Lacy was chosen to be in the top 10, which was way exciting! She looked beautiful and did a fantastic job. She played her piano piece flawlessly! I was so happy for her I just about started bawling! (Perhaps a side effect of very little sleep) It was a great night!
Lacy won 2nd runner up, as well as 3 other awards. She did awesome! She won some serious moola. And on top of that she looked gorgeous!