Friday, August 22, 2008

Your prayers are needed

For the past hour I have been reading about a family who has suffered a huge blow. One of my favorite blogs to visit is I do not know cjane personally, but very much enjoy reading the things she writes. A week or two ago, Courtney's (cjane) sister, who lives in Arizona, was in a plane crash with her husband and one other person. The third person died, and both Stephanie and her husband are in very serious condition. They were both burned severely...Stephanie was burned the worst. (Stephanie is Courtney's sister). Courtney has been keeping everyone updated on her sister's condition via her blog. Stephanie and Christian (husband) have four small children who are awaiting the return of their parents.

Why do I share this with you? As I have read about this family and the trial they are going through, I have felt an overwhelming....well....a mixture of feelings, really. Sadness, worry, love for this sweet family, gratitude for my family, etc. Even though I do not know this family, I am touched by their strength. I am touched by the hundreds and hundreds of people who are reaching out to this family. It is amazing how so many small gestures of kindness add up to such an overwhelming outpouring of love.

My heart reaches out to them, especially the children who are without their mommy and daddy. I think of my own dear children, and how hard it would be for me if I weren't able to be with them.

I feel an overwhelming gratitude for a loving Heavenly Father who loves us and comforts us in our trials. I am grateful for my knowledge of eternal families. My prayers will be with this sweet family, as I hope yours will be.

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