Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Cast Comes Off

Scott broke his foot the week before Christmas, playing basketball, of course. At his school they have noon games where classes play against eachother during the lunch break. Scott's class had made it to the championship game, and Scott really wanted to win. He went in for a layup and was fouled. He landed on his foot wierd and started limping around. This was about halfway through the game. However, instead of sitting out, he played the rest of the game! Scott is very competitive and extremely aggressive. He is quite the ball player and led his team on to victory! After school he came limping into the house and told me his foot was really sore. He took his shoe off to show me his foot, and I immediately decided we should call Uncle Cory. Uncle Cory is a podiatrist (lucky us!) Cory said it was definitely broken and needed a cast for 4-6 weeks. Scott was less than thrilled. He has missed a lot of basketball, swimming, playing in the snow, etc. He was more excited to get his cast off than he was for Christmas! Finally the day arrived and the cast came off! It was amazing to see how much muscle he'd lost in that short period of time. One leg was definitely skinnier. On the morning of his final doctor appointment, he came upstairs and apologized for taking so long to get ready. He told me he was packing his bag, and after seeing the confused look on my face, proceeded to explain. He had his basketball bag all ready to go so after school he could go over to the church and practice. However, he wasn't able to "hit the gym" quite as soon as he had hoped. It has taken him a few days to be able to walk normal. But now, 3 days later, he is almost back to normal. Maybe he will be able to play in his game on Saturday--we shall see!

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